On May 1st, the Committee on Pedestrian and Traffic Safety met for its monthly meeting which included a subject matter hearing on lowering the default citywide speed limit from 30 miles per hour (MPH) to 25 MPH. The hearing was simply meant to start the conversation on this matter and no votes were taken. 

Speakers from city departments, city agencies, and transportation advocates attended the hearing to present information ranging from data analysis of previous traffic fatalities to the disproportionate impact of traffic violence on Black Chicagoans and equitable enforcement of a reduced speed limit. Speakers included:

  • Tom Carney, Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT)

  • Vig Krishnamurthy, CDOT

  • Dr. Olusimbo Ige, Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH)

  • Chasse Rehwinkel, Department of Finance

  • Audrey Wennink, Chicago Metropolitan Planning Council

  • Victoria Barrett, Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)

  • Amy Rynell, Active Transportation Alliance 

Chairman daniel la spata

If you would like to hear the speakers’ testimonies, click here. (The subject matter hearing begins at 1:03:43).


speakers from left to right: audrey wennick, victoria barrett, comptroller rehwinkel, kate mcmahon, and commissioner ige


According to data from CDOT, 115 people–including 40 pedestrians–died as a result of a traffic crash in Chicago last year. The city’s Vision Zero initiative aims to eliminate all fatalities and serious injuries from traffic crashes by 2026 and Chairman La Spata believes that lowering the speed limit can help us achieve this goal.


If you have any questions or thoughts about lowering the citywide speed limit, please send them to committeeonpedestrianandtrafficsafety@cityofchicago.org.